
Freac hot to read cue sheets and split to individual tracks
Freac hot to read cue sheets and split to individual tracks

freac hot to read cue sheets and split to individual tracks

I am “obsessive.” However, I recognize this as part of my personality and when things don’t go my way, even if I find it upsetting, I do not feel a crushing, debilitating wave of anxiety as a result. so caught up in the thoughts and worries that you could not go to work, or go meet friends, or perhaps even leave the house, because your brain was essentially on overdrive, and completely fixated on that one thing. Imagine being so consumed about something (such as the previously mentioned job interview, first date, essay, or cleaning the kitchen) that you literally could think of nothing else until you felt sure of the outcome you needed…. A person with OCD is overwhelmed with anxiety and fear about what will happen if they don’t clean their kitchen properly. A person with OCD doesn’t obsessively clean their kitchen just because they like it to be clean. These thoughts are linked with intense anxiety driving the individual with OCD to engage in compulsive behavior - their only escape. But for a person with OCD they can’t just “snap out of it.” Research has shown that the brain of a person with OCD actually functions differently in this situation, essentially getting “stuck” on a thought. Obsessive and compulsive traits on their own are not a mental illness - we all have things that perhaps we obsess over, (constantly replaying a recent job interview or date in one’s head, examining every last detail for clues to what the person thought, re-writing the same paragraph over and over to make sure the essay or report is JUST right).

freac hot to read cue sheets and split to individual tracks

As our executive director likes to say, emphasis on the capital D for Disorder. OCD stands for obsessive compulsive disorder. This or this (or this, or this… and on and on).

Freac hot to read cue sheets and split to individual tracks